Friday, December 15, 2006

RE: Violent crime is up in Houston after Katrina (Part One*)

Aggravated assault up a mere 2%

Auto theft up 11%; I’d have thought that would be much higher with many of the evacuees going from N.O. to Houston (must have auto)

Burglary down 20%

Burglary of auto up 1%

As Michael mentioned, DWI down a staggering, slurring amount (75%?)

RAPE UP 120%! What is that?

Negligent manslaughter too small to take into account

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter up 23% (how much of that will be old time Houston gang versus new New Orleans gang members and/or NO gang versus NO gang members?)

Drug violations up 16% and

Robbery up 6%

With the exception of the two biggies (rape and murder), I'm guessing there was not much of a per capita increase.

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