Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Did Biden actually say that?

I couldn't find it in the NYT transcript but I'm sure I heard a clip of Biden today say something like, "This is something I've actually written about...well, with the help of my staff...."

If I'm wrong, my apologies to the Senator...but if I heard correctly...this from a guy who failed a class in law school and had to bow out of a presidential campaign because of plagiarism.

If anyone has a link to the quote, I'd be grateful.

Ok, Michael found the link for me at the Washington Post. Thanks.

Here's the quote:

BIDEN: And I know people say they wrote things. I mean, I actually did write that my little old self, with my staff. And no one liked it, I might add, at first; women's groups or anybody else.

1 comment:

Michael said...

One of the guys at Powerline described his performance as "a one-legged man starting an ass-kicking contest."