Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Re: Book Club post...(kinda)

Stephanie's post got me thinking about a book I read while in a club in Denver (I was the only guy).

It was actually a book that was second of a pair. Set on another planet and authored by a woman whose name escapes me. My recollection is that the planet was inhabited by kangaroo type creatures. The planet was being visited by, I think, Catholic priests who were also astronauts. This sounds ridiculous but was very well written and I remember being appalled by the depictions of violence.

Does this ring any bells with anybody? I quickly scanned my liberry and can't seem to locate it.


Stephanie said...

the sparrow by Mary Doria Russell?

Stephanie said...

how'd you like your book club?

Scooter said...

It was Children of God. Thanks. That was driving me crazy last night.

Liked the club ok, I really only joined in pursuit of "a skirt." (Once talked to woman in Irvine, CA who told me she had moved there from TN "chasing a hairy leg.)

The only other book that really made an impression on me was Saints and Villains...a dramatized bio of Deitrich Bonhoffer.

Stephanie said...

a particular skirt, or just any book-worm skirt? did it work?

Stephanie said...

My book club discussed including men, but someone had had the experience of a co-ed book club and said that while the discussion was fine, there was a gender divide in book selection that made it no fun for anyone.

Scooter said...

A particular skirt with an M.D. It worked so well that she moved to the other side of the planet to one of the "...istans" to be a missionary.

I only lasted about 3 months in the group because of the taste differences.