Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just for LJ

"We" are having dinner with Laura Ingraham and about a thousand of her closest friends tonight. "We" will have a great time. Only downside is that "we" won't be able to watch the Keystone State returns until about 10:00 o'clock tonight.

10:13 Update: She is much softer in person if that makes any sense. Also, by my best guess it was closer to about 3000 of her closest friends. Nice to see that she was working from her own notes. Well, as best I could tell and I was pretty close to the stage...handwritten notes from a yellow legal pad.

Next morning update: More like 1500.


Anonymous said...

how many times did she say "we"?

Scooter said...

Actually, I don't think she said it even once...at least not in that irritating way she uses it on her show.