Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh come on

Scooter, your party is not worthy of your support:
A member of the Republican National Committee told me Tuesday that when the RNC meets in an extraordinary special session next week, it will approve a resolution rebranding Democrats as the “Democrat Socialist Party.


Scooter said...

Very dopey idea. I've always thought that groups get the right to name themselves.

RNC is not the party though. Rethugs are the party. I'm only a Rethug by default.

I was a proud Rethug in the 80s and 90s.

Around 2000 I thought I was still.

I might have abandoned altogether with the passage of the Medicare enhancements if not for 9/11. I should have been much more critical of the last adminstration for its big government ideas but just couldn't during wartime. Pres. Bush got taxes, judges (with some help from the rabid base), and defense right. Not much else but those three are important to righties like me. The spending last October was just the logical extension of his big government Rethuglicanism.

I must have sent money to the Rethugs at some point based upon my mail but they won't get any more from me until they change. Individual candidates, sure, but not the party.

Scooter said...

That sentence "Not much else but those three are important to righties like me" is not what I meant to say.

Should have written:

He didn't do much else that the right likes. But those three are very important to righties like me.

Anonymous said...

If you were going to write a NEWS story on McRictus, would you start it like this?: "After many failed efforts, Republicans have finally found a weak spot in Nancy Pelosi's political armor as a fight over detainee interrogations engulfs Ms. Pelosi, Republicans and intelligence officials."

The NYT would, above the fold. Really.