Sunday, October 12, 2008

Re: Past Presidents

I have to cheat little because one was elected two years before I reached voting age but RR best and JC worst.

Interestingly, I could make the conservative case of GWB for both by unfairly giving emphasis to different things at differing times and say first term best and second term worst.


Stephanie said...

Scooter, who's the best president you've voted for?

love johnson said...

Scooter, I love you almost like a brother, but please don't trot out the Michael Medved delusion about W. He is, and was, a disaster. I might give you that he isn't the worst, but please don't try to sell the opinion that he was at anytime anywhere near the best.

Stephanie said...

Oh, and I didn't mean "the best pres you voted for". I meant, as I asked in the original question, the best Pres we've had since you were of voting age.

Scooter said...


First of all, we're talking about our lifetimes during our majorities.

Second, I tried to emphasize that the second view was from the conservative viewpoint (as opposed to my personal view) and if I gave emphasis to certain points over others.

I can't imagine I'll ever change my view on GWB's position on taxes, the war or judges (except for the Harriet thing which my minions corrected). But you're right. On spending, education, immigration, and his lame efforts on reforming social security (and total failure to even try to reform medicare), terrible.


For me, I thought that, too, was plain; the best I have voted for and will ever likely vote for...

you already know...


Stephanie said...

Oh, sorry. You were cheating on the timing of the worst, of course. Who was the worst during your voting years.

Scooter said...

That is really difficult.

I have to consider from a political, an idealogical or purely governmental standpoint. I admit that the last two years have been grim and the entire presidency has been grim from a conservative (and my) spending standpoint.

I do object, however, to the question. I had a lib history prof who said it was unfair to judge until 20 years have passed.

But, we're not talking history, we're talking today.

So, from a conservative's perspective, I'll say GWB's second term (save for the judges and the war).