Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Eating a Second Sandwich

Ok, I haven't fully consumed the first sandwich but Michael's MN Cousin (I note that she now has a Blogger ID) has quite properly chided me on my New Hampshire cross-over comment. I hereby retract and admit I was wrong, really wrong. Goes a long way in completely destroying my already microscopic credibility. I had to confess to the person at the office to whom I first put the point. I don't know how I got my fact so wrong. I suppose I had relied on something anecdotal I'd heard.

I also wasted the better part of the afternoon trying to find evidence to support my position to no avail.

I'll be more careful going forward.

In hindsight, there was way too much on the line so early in the process for the really to much in the way of Democrat cross-over anyway. It would have been much more likely in Michigan or Florida where, I assume, many Democrats probably would have felt that a vote in the Democrat primary would not mean a lot.

Having said all that, I still wouldn't characterize all such cross-over votes, including my own, as insincere. Is crossing over less pure? Sure, but I don't think it insincere.


Anonymous said...

You rock, Scooter. Sorry, about the chiding. I wouldn't have called it out, except that I can tell by your measured, reasoned posts that you're a man of integrity who cares about the facts.

Good work on the nukes, too.

I bought Looming Tower, btw, since you said I must read it before I'm allowed to vote.

Michael's MN cousin

Scooter said...

Dear Michael's MN cousin,

First of all, thanks for the kind words.

Please chide me when I need to be chided; heaven knows I am never the answer.

I'm still thinking the nuclear energy thing through but am beginning to believe it may be the answer however much that may go against my free market instincts.

The Looming Tower is worth the read whatever one's political leanings, but I'm a huge history buff so I acknowledge my bias.


Scooter said...

Enjoying The Looming Tower is not exactly what I can wish for you. Certainly I learned a lot and had difficulty putting it down, but enjoyed is not exactly a term I'd use.

I think I poached the voting line from your cousin.