Thursday, March 06, 2008

My mayor can beat up your mayor

From the Austin American Statesman:

Wynn said he values the therapy and that "anger can be one of the topics."

"It helps me," Wynn said.

The mayor made the comments in a news conference at his office this morning, two days after Travis County prosecutors charged him with assaulting a man at his condominium building during a party in March 2006. Wynn posted a $500 bond Tuesday and has been ordered by a justice of the peace to either perform 20 hours of community service or seek private counseling before May 2. A court order said the Class C misdemeanor charge would be dismissed if Wynn meets those conditions.

The funny part of this deal is I actually know him a little bit. We were inducted into a local service organization on the same day about 4 1/2 years ago. He's played in golf foursomes behind me and in front of me and ... he's a really nice guy.

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