Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Meteor Blades at Kos today discusses the continued pronounced silence of the MSM regarding military analysts for the media who delivered purportedly independent opinions that were, in effect, purchased by the Pentagon and defense contractors and that helped to influence public opinion to be in favor of invading Iraq. Nine days since the NYTimes reported the story, there's still:

No news coverage, no commentary, no questions for any candidates. No abject apologies to viewers from station CEOs who paid double-dippers and triple-dippers to give an official patina to fabrications that have caused the killing and maiming of tens of thousands of Americans and other coalition soldiers. Plus millions of Iraqis. Business as usual. Even two days after the Pentagon suspended the briefings last Friday, Foxaganda was still employing retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney without disclosure.

Has anyone heard any outcry that the NYTimes story was inaccurate? I have not. Presuming the story is accurate, have any crimes been committed here?

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