Monday, February 02, 2009

Constitutional Conservatism

From Andy McCarthy at The Corner, a link to a lengthy article from Peter Berkowitz at the Hoover Institution about the way back for conservatives.

It really is long and I don't recommend for Stephanie or LJ, but if one is looking to see what I feel are the current concerns of the movement, I do so recommend. My main thought of late is that I'm not certain if we still have the wherewithal to moderate liberty.


Stephanie said...

What does "moderate liberty" mean?

Scooter said...

The verb: to moderate. Long a. To put one's desire for absolute liberty aside for the Summum Bonum.

Scooter said...

I know I'm in an incredibly morose mood, but I'm afraid we've reached a point of no (or very difficult to achieve) return. I'm having a capitalism crisis.

This crisis is not political. It is ethical/moral. If the deference to the Summum Bonum no longer exists, then I fear I must capitulate to the left.

Scooter said...

Didn't mean to condescend on the verb. Just looked back on your question.

Stephanie said...

Your capitalism crisis deserves a full post. I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Scooter said...

I'll think about a longer post. I'm just moping.