Saturday, May 23, 2009

Muslim organizations condemning terror tactics

One of the rallying cries from those who would seek to stoke us-versus-them sentiments is that there is no condemnation by Muslim organizations of terror activities. In fact, the problem is that their messages of peace are simply not carried by the main stream press. From Amy Eilberg at the Strib:
She [Dr. Ingrid Mattson, leader of the Islamic Society of North America] was way ahead of me [by issuing a statement condemning the violent plot of the four thugs in NYC], and so were many other Muslim leaders. By the end of the day, I had received notice of several press releases, including from the Islamic Society of North America, Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Muslims for Progressive Values, a press conference planned jointly by Muslim and Jewish leaders in New York City, and multiple expressions of concern from friends and colleagues in the Muslim community in the Twin Cities. There were eloquent statements about the utter incompatibility of acts of violence with Islam, expressions of deep solidarity with the Jewish community, and prayers for the healing of the madness in our world that gives rise to violence.
Conflict sells papers; peace and solidarity do not.

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