Saturday, April 05, 2008

Character hits

RJ Eskow, writing on Huffington Post, discusses how character assassination is easily accomplished:

If Martin Luther King were alive today there would be no need for gunfire. He died just as he began speaking out forcefully against the Vietnam War. Were he alive to speak out against the occupation of Iraq -- as he undoubtedly would -- it's easy to imagine how the the character assassins would conduct their hit.

First, an "unnamed source" in the Justice Department would start talking to friendly reporters -- off the record, of course -- about "evidence" that Dr. King was receiving money from suspect Middle Eastern sources. Then the FBI's recordings of Dr. King's private life would be leaked to a friendly media outlet -- probably Matt Drudge. After that, Fox News would scour all the available video of Dr. King's speeches, carefully editing them so that they sound more inflammatory and less peace-loving. They would then broadcast them in an endless loop, as the YouTube hits of these misleading clips reached into the millions.

That's a much more effective way to destroy someone than a gun. Bullets only kill the physical body, but character assassination destroys the person's reputation -- and their political effectiveness. Martyrs are a powerful force, but disgraced leaders can't threaten the status quo.


Anonymous said...

Bah and baloney.

Anonymous said...

Libs do hate it when you quote their nonsense back to them that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

If MLK were taking funds from terrorists I think that would be legitimate news. His private life stuff probably not, but that's a Clinton m.o. (leaking or making up harmful personal stuff), not Rethug. So aside from the Clintonian stuff, where's the character assasination? And where's an example of this administration ever doing such a thing? Bullshit.

Stephanie said...

I think he intends it as a critique of FoxNews; not of the Bush administration