Sunday, April 13, 2008

Obama's SF remarks

What Obama was trying to say is perfectly reasonable and valid.  He's saying that when Democrats don't have policies that respond to economic needs of working class people, working class voters turn to other issues to decide how to vote: for the party more affiliated with gun rights, for the party that claims ownership of respect for religion and for the party that shows more hostility to illegal immigrants.  His mistake in San Francisco was in saying all this in a much too short-hand manner.  Here he is, saying exactly the same thing, but in the long-hand version on Charlie Rose in 2004:

H/t to Josh Marshall, who cites a reader GB, at TPM.


Scooter said...

From a strictly political point of view, the rhetoric must be better. Last week was a disaster; this week just a wound.

Anonymous said...

Uh no. Bill Kristol explains. Coffin nail?

Scooter said...

Wow, I guess the right is a bit more offended than I would have been.