Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dan Riehl on Barry

So, what did this great agent of change do when confronted with the usual slime of Chicago politics? Did he stand up boldly and work for change? Or did he simply go along, playing the system for his own benefit like so many uninspiring and ultimately disappointing politicians before him? The answer should be obvious to any objective observer now.

And the same is true of his behavior when confronted with the far too old and wholly unproductive, if not dangerous, rhetoric of a Jeremiah Wright. There was no bold confrontation from Barack Obama, no real call for change, or a speaking of truth to the old and mostly unproductive, when not actuallly destructive, powers within the circles in which Obama ran.

No, there was just the typical hamster of a politician running the same well-greased wheels of corruption and race-baiting rhetoric that have been the big city liberals stock in trade and path to power and its retention for decades now.

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