Monday, March 10, 2008

Re: Stephanie

I'd be scared to go hunting with me, too. I fish occasionally with my brother but more to spend time with him than to enjoy fishing though when they are really biting I do enjoy it. Once I almost, almost nabbed a sailfish while deep sea fishing...between heaves over the side of the boat. I think I was fifteen that last time (and second) I hunted. Never got close to hitting anything. Dad left me a shotgun and a rifle but don't look for me on the "lease" or in the "blind" any time soon.

Likewise, the whole gun thing was to have something to talk about with Dad. Now I'm hooked. I'm just fascinated by the ballistics and the construction of pistols. Even more fun than actually shooting is being able to disassemble and clean them and put them back together. A mechanism that can do what this does and be so simply operated amazes me.

Scrabble. I hate scrabble. I love words but hate that game. I just am not wired for it and also being somewhat competitive, that failure makes me hate it even more. Great topic though, I'm sure I've loved something to death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some Scrabble haters like the game below even though it looks so similar:

Peter (it's my game)