Friday, May 09, 2008

Hill -- playing a full deck of race cards

Michael mentioned that Begala played the race card. Here's Hill on May 7 going all in on race/class:

This isn't going to get her anywhere. Black people's votes do count: a whole vote, not just 3/5. A Democrat does need to win the black vote to get elected and she's completely lost it.

Michigan and Florida will get seated in some manner that won't take victory from Obama. The 69-59 split that Michigan proposed is completely reasonable, for example.

I believe the only projections that show her leading in the popular vote leave out the popular vote in the four caucus states that do not report popular vote totals. But if you roughly project the votes based on the delegate proportions in those four states, Obama wins the popular vote too, even with Florida and Michigan counted. I haven't tried to check these numbers, but I've seen similar analysis/conclusions elsewhere:

including FL and MI, weighting MI vote by CNN exit polls assuming Obama was on ballot.

Obama 16,475,239 rounded to 16,480,000.
Clinton 16,073,239 rounded to 16,070,000.

Obama leads by approximately 400,000.

I don't think she can make that deficit up in remaining contests.

Sure Hill and the Republicans will try to label Obama as an elitist latte-sipper, but it won't work as well as it worked against Kerry, Gore and GHWBush.

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