Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Re: Mrs. Loving

Just a quick comment so Stephanie's post is not misinterpreted: this is not an issue I have deep feelings about. I could sleep easily if gay folks were allowed to marry.

My pell-mell post was intended to be more a states' rights/grand laboratory post than anything else. If it came across differently, I did not make my case very well.

Update: It is clear to me that I did not make my case or, if I did, I chose a terrible subject with which to make it.


Stephanie said...

I'm not sure I follow. I understood you to be saying there's no need to rush into federally protect gay marriage because we can take time to test state by state. And I'm saying that that approach robs a generation of individuals of the opportunity to marry the person precious to them. I guess I should say, just those individuals unfortunate to make their life in states that leave them out.

Scooter said...

It does rob them of that opportunity. I picked a bad subject to try to make my point. I should have made a much less personal (meaning less human) issue...er, the issue.

Stephanie said...

And btw, I should say that I appreciate that you, Scooter, don't share the anti-gay-marriage sentiment that I think is common within your party. And I appreciate that this issue is small in certain ways: (e.g. directly affects a small portion of the population, affects personal lives rather than commerce). But equal rights for gay people is sort of the final frontier in delivering on the promise of equality our country should stand for. Failing to fix this diminishes our moral authority.

Scooter said...

Thank you. Theoretically, the number of those affected shouldn't be a factor but I confess it probably does make my ability to sleep better...and it shouldn't.

Those in the Republican party on the more libertarian side (to which I lean) certainly disagree with the position. You may not believe it but I'm not really a party guy. I'm conservative (or classical liberal) at the a national level but I'm not really an elephant.

At the local and, to a lesser extent, the state level, I'm more "progressive" than you might think.

Stephanie said...

I can appreciate the approach of being more progressive at the local/state level and then more conservative at the national level. I might be right there with you except for a few things. Later.