Saturday, October 11, 2008

90 is the new 100

100 economists for McCain, huh? Count 'em. Via The New Republic.


Michael said...


Stephanie said...

You mean they left the 10 oldest ones off the list?

Michael said...

Oldtimers=Alzheimers, yukyuk. Waht a dumb thing to do.

Michael said...

I count over 300 here:

Stephanie said...

Why did McCain's press release cite 100? I guess 300 is the new 100. But if you really want to count economists, try this: Also Greg Mankiw refused to sign that letter stating: But I thought the statement in the group letter that "his proposals run a high risk of throwing the economy into a deep recession" was a tad too hyperbolic for my tastes.

Stephanie said...

Krugman gives Obama 5 Nobel Prize winners. So all's even on that front.