Thursday, October 09, 2008

BarbinMD at Kos

calls John McCain a "coward." Nice. I would think twice bf I used that festering sore as a source of my news.


Stephanie said...

It was just a convenient spot for the NPR quotes. Easier than hunting for the NPR transcript. But yes, one must select carefully from dKos as there's a range of veracity.

Michael said...

How about a range of sanity? common decency?

Stephanie said...

Those things too. It's open to anyone. Speaking of decency, do you think your candidates ought to speak out when audience members shout "treason" and "terrorist" and "kill him" at their rallies?

Michael said...

Well, if someone yells terrorist and treason about Ayers, they're right. If its about Barry, its wrong and if my candidates hear it, they ought to say something. Same for kill him.

Michael said...

Not to belabor the point, but posting like BarbinMD does is not open to anyone; he's approved by Kos.

Stephanie said...

You're right; Barb is "front page" poster.