Monday, September 29, 2008


After you guess who said it, click here.

Update: (Moving the quote from the subtitle to here) "I didn't decide
to run for President to start a national crusade for the political reforms I
believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In
truth, I wanted to be President because it had become my ambition to be


Michael said...

Yes, but did you notice that his lips weren't moving? Very suspicious.

Stephanie said...

It's audio from his memoir.

Michael said...

I know. Joke. ha.

Stephanie said...

The generator of the video did a cutesy thing with the edit to show McCain's two divergent comments. There's the audio clip from McCain's memoir and then there's the Rick Warren video clip. So they show Rick Warren (I think that's who it is) asking the question about wanting to be Pres, then they pause the video while they play the audio from the memoir, and then allow the video to roll to show McCain's answer to Warren.

Stephanie said...

Sigh. I typed that whole explanation for nothing.